Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Simple Swing

Isn't it amazing how something that should be so simple can turn into such a nightmare. About a month ago Todd took all the boys on their annual boys camp. That left just Alaina and I to do something fun for a couple of days. To end our fun weekend I bought a swing that is meant for inside. She was really excited and I got the hardware to install it downstairs.

Now the swing was for Alaina but I knew it would be too much to ask for the boys to stay off of it, so with that in mind I went to Lowes and asked them what would be best. They gave me their advice and I headed home to screw in the bolts. I screwed in the six inch 1/4 inch bolts almost all the way in when one by one they broke off. To my horror I now had four holes with metal stuck in them.

Frustrated I went back to Lowes and explained my dilemma. They suggested a longer drill bit and walked me over there and helped me pick out the right one. Sure this would work I headed home to put in the swing. Alas the same thing happened and I now had 8 holes in the ceiling beam with pieces of bolts forever lodged in them.

At this point I am not proud to say I gave up. However a week or so later I explained my dilemma to my handyman father. Something I should have done in the beginning. He said to get a bigger, not longer, drill bit. I explained to him that the Lowes employees had informed me that in order for it to hold the weight I needed it to hold, not to get a bit that was more then half the size of the bolt. He reassured me it would work and so I went back to buy my second drill bit.

Interestingly enough this time when I went back to buy a new bit I got a different man to help me and this guy asked me what kind of material I was drilling into. When I told him a wood beam he directed me to some different bits. Turns out the last guy hand picked a cement bit for me to use. Turns out those just burn through wood. Anyway to make an end to a long story this time it worked. We now have a swing in the basement that Alaina can not get enough of, and so far it has held the weight of all of my boys.

I also have the hardware to put up another hook to hold the punching bag we bought almost 6 years ago but has never been put up. This family needs it hung up, so they don't use each other as a punching bag. I figured I would give myself a week before attempting to bolt another thing to the beam however.

Amazingly you can't see the holes in this picture but they are there between the two hooks. Eight ugly holes I must now patch and paint. It will probably get done sometime in the next three years.
She now watches tv from her swing. That is what she is looking at in this picture.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Todd and Aiden Camp out

Todd and Aiden enjoying some hot chocolate around the campfire that Aiden got to start.

Getting to be the only boy to start and then play in the campfire is quite the highlight of these camp outs. I know this because it is usually the first thing they talk about when they get back.
Todd gave Aiden free range with the camera and he took full advantage of it. Here is one of his silly poses.
The went on a hike today. I love this picture. You can tell how thrilled Aiden is to have time by himself with his dad.
The hike has come to an end and it's ready to head home to 4 brothers and a sister.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fun at Grandma Kestners

Todd's brother Andy was in town due to the salmon run, so we had the opportunity to spend a lot of time up a Sandy's. The kids had a blast playing with their cousins and enjoying the nice weather.

One of the days they played tackle football. They had a lot of fun with only a couple of minor injuries and a couple of temper flare ups.
Alaina walking the lawn mower around grandma's five acres. Drew is behind her. Todd got them both on video but not in still shot.
The kids have missed grandma's truck and riding around the five acres, so it is with great excitement that the tradition is back, thanks to Nathan's truck.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Fishing on the Lewis

Andy's two beef cakes. Todd got skunked this time.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


I haven't been doing anything new and exciting lately and haven't taken a single picture since the last time I posted. My house and yard are slowly coming together however. I started some fall projects and since some of them involved organizing it meant the house got messier. Yesterday I did manage to finish one of the projects and now you can walk downstairs without stepping on something. Yeah. Todd was excited about it too. Now I just need to fold a weeks worth of laundry, yuck.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


I have spent hours and hours this summer trying to lay aside food for the winter to feed my hungry horde and thought it would be fun to show some pictures. I currently have about 75 pints of jam, 32 quarts of pears, 14 quarts tomato sauce, 53 pounds frozen blueberries, 20 frozen zucchini bread, several baggies filled with zucchini candy and last but not least fruit leather. I still have peaches I need to buy and process and am still getting yams, tomatoes and zucchini from the garden. Oh and the kiwi should be ripe pretty soon. Plus I have about six rabbits ready to butcher and one rooster. I admit I will be glad when harvest time is over I am tired of standing in the kitchen.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Day of School

Dallin in front of Heritage High School. I had to meet him there around 7:30 because he had seminary before school and we are carpooling. He's a good sport to let me take his picture in front of a bunch of other high school students. We did try to be descreet and I did let him choose the spot.
Hunter in front of Covington. Starting his 7th grade year.
Mason, Aiden and Gavin in front of Silver Star. They are starting 5th, 3rd and 1st.
Alaina of course couldn't be left out of the picture taking. You can tell by the attachment to the blanket that she isn't quite ready to start school. All of the boys were extremely excited for school to start. Mason will be starting band this year and gets to be a part of safety patrol.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Celebrating Eric's birthday at Jones Creek

A good friend of Todd's, the same one that Todd went with when he rode off the cliff, invited him to go riding for his birthday. Todd of course can not refuse an offer to go motorcycle riding and went into work early yesterday to make it possible.
Todd after the day of riding. No crashes this time. Although he did inform me that about 2 minutes into it he nearly crashed. Todd says it is a full body workout so that makes it essential that he ride often. He also mentioned that he went down some switchbacks that made him want to cry. Notice his nice riding gear. That was thanks to mark, who gave it to him.
This is Eric Dahl, the man who made yesterday possible due to his birthday. It's nice when your hubby can find someone to do all those cool guy things they like to do. I like riding but not quite the way they do.
This is Eric's brother Mark it was he that gave Todd the great looking gear.