Isn't it amazing how something that should be so simple can turn into such a nightmare. About a month ago Todd took all the boys on their annual boys camp. That left just Alaina and I to do something fun for a couple of days. To end our fun weekend I bought a swing that is meant for inside. She was really excited and I got the hardware to install it downstairs.
Now the swing was for Alaina but I knew it would be too much to ask for the boys to stay off of it, so with that in mind I went to Lowes and asked them what would be best. They gave me their advice and I headed home to screw in the bolts. I screwed in the six inch 1/4 inch bolts almost all the way in when one by one they broke off. To my horror I now had four holes with metal stuck in them.
Frustrated I went back to Lowes and explained my dilemma. They suggested a longer drill bit and walked me over there and helped me pick out the right one. Sure this would work I headed home to put in the swing. Alas the same thing happened and I now had 8 holes in the ceiling beam with pieces of bolts forever lodged in them.
At this point I am not proud to say I gave up. However a week or so later I explained my dilemma to my handyman father. Something I should have done in the beginning. He said to get a bigger, not longer, drill bit. I explained to him that the Lowes employees had informed me that in order for it to hold the weight I needed it to hold, not to get a bit that was more then half the size of the bolt. He reassured me it would work and so I went back to buy my second drill bit.
Interestingly enough this time when I went back to buy a new bit I got a different man to help me and this guy asked me what kind of material I was drilling into. When I told him a wood beam he directed me to some different bits. Turns out the last guy hand picked a cement bit for me to use. Turns out those just burn through wood. Anyway to make an end to a long story this time it worked. We now have a swing in the basement that Alaina can not get enough of, and so far it has held the weight of all of my boys.
I also have the hardware to put up another hook to hold the punching bag we bought almost 6 years ago but has never been put up. This family needs it hung up, so they don't use each other as a punching bag. I figured I would give myself a week before attempting to bolt another thing to the beam however.