Sunday, September 12, 2010

Difference in size

Ok, so I have pictures on the camera that I need to download onto the computer but just haven't taken the time to do it yet so found this picture and thought it would be a fun one. These are two eggs that were collected the same day.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Killen Creek

Our 2010 Family camp up in the Mt. Adams wilderness. We had a blast. It was dry and very dusty but that didn't seem to bother anyone. We brought the motorcycles and they were in use by one of the boys all day.

We also managed to get in a hike. Wasn't the most popular activity we did. Looks like we will need to do a bit more hiking. We haven't hiked as much as we used to. You can see the dust we kicked up behind us.
We got this picture right after swimming in horseshoe lake.
We had a lot of fun with all the frogs that were up there. These were a couple of the smaller ones we found.
This is one of the bigger ones. We found a lot in between these two sizes as well. Gideon thought they were pretty neat until one, that we were holding in front of him so he could look at it, jumped on his face.
We had a lot of fun and look forward to spending time camping again.