Wednesday, January 6, 2010


So with the new baby I'm having a harder time keeping on top of the housework. Amazingly the new baby seems to have the same effect on my boys because they just can't seem to do anything either. I'm sure the Wii has nothing to do with it.

After much thought I decided to give the boys two options. First they could opt out of doing chores and spend every waking moment in their room so as not to mess up the house for the rest of us or second they could do the chores assigned them and do them well and get an allowance for their effort.

Today they all unanimously decided on the second option. I am currently sitting in a clean vacuumed house and all I needed to do was take care of baby, clean kitchen, fold laundry and make dinner. Success! We will see how long it lasts and if we can afford to continue to give them an allowance.


  1. Holy cow, you were up late.

    I'm glad it worked out! Allowance is a bit of a tough one, isn't it? When I was in high school my parents wouldn't let me get a job because they wanted me to have a social life and no distractions from academics. So Dad gave me gas money for the car, (after I begged), and money to go out with my friends, (after I begged and pleaded and justified and begged some more). It would have been much nicer to just know that I had a little to work with on my own.

    My kids earn points towards pre-selected items. If Cameron chooses a $12.00 Star Wars lego set for 250 points, then we award him points for his chores completed with a positive attitude and extra jobs as he desires. When he's earned enough points, we go buy his item. It's done wonders to teach them patience and perserverance, and that good work is rewarded, but not always immediately. It takes about 4 weeks for them to earn that many points. I give it about one more year before he just wants cash.

    Wow, look at me ramble. Good luck with coninued success!

  2. I am at a mexican standoff with my kids. Not sure how to get them to complete the various items. ALlowance has never been a option in our house. Maybe it should be. They are of that age.

  3. Allowance goes a long way.
    MOney talks.
    Best of luck to all 3 of you!
